Parallel framework agreements for estate agency services for Statsbygg´s properties in Østlandet


Avatud menetlus
31.05.2018 10:34 (GMT+03:00)
02.07.2018 12:00


Statsbygg Statsbygg
Olav B. Myhre Olav B. Myhre
Biskop Gunnerus' gate 6
0103 Oslo

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

Statsbygg would like tenders for a framework agreement for:

— framework agreement for estate agency services for Statsbygg's properties in Østlandet.

This framework agreement covers the following counties:

Oslo, Akershus, Østfold, Vestfold, Buskerud, Oppland, Hedmark and Telemark.

There will be an option to use this contract for the sale of properties in the Agder counties, Rogaland, Sogn- og Fjordane and Hordaland.

A contract will be signed with 2 tenderers, as long as there is sufficient competition.

The framework agreement will apply for all of Statsbygg, as well as for consultancy assignments for other government landowners in the geographical area. The property department, c/o the section for procurement and realisation, will administer the framework agreement.

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