2018/226 — Psychiatric health care — Persons with compound and long-term psychological disorders


Competitive procedure with negotiation
16.05.2018 10:31 (GMT+03:00)
11.06.2018 12:00


Helse Nord RHF Helse Nord RHF
Monica Staurbakk Monica Staurbakk
Sjøgata 10
8038 Bodø

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

The Northern Norway Regional Health Authority, (the Contracting Authority), invites tenderers to participate in a tender contest in accordance with section IV of the Public Procurement Regulations. The contract includes the establishment of psychiatric health care treatment stays for adults. Area of requirement: Persons with compound and long-term psychological disorders.

In accordance with political health guidelines, the services shall supplement the offer provided by the health companies' DPS and the region's contract specialists, so they shall not, therefore, include highly specialised services.

Refer to the tender documentation for a complete description of the procurement, including that negotiations shall be performed and be included in the contract. The duration of the contract is four year, with the possibility for an option of up to 1 year + 1 year. The agreement form will be attached as alteration information after the publication of the tender notice.

The Northern Norway Regional Health Authority takes reservation that the tender form is not adapted to the part IV form in Mercell.

Go to: https://permalink.mercell.com/85483038.aspx

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