Competition 2017-31 Framework agreement for the procurement of PCs and monitors.


Avatud menetlus
11.04.2018 10:22 (GMT+03:00)
11.05.2018 13:00


Molde Kommune Molde Kommune
Dirk Lungwitz Dirk Lungwitz
Rådhusplassen 1
6413 Molde

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

ROR-IKT is a joint ICT co-operation for the municipalities of Aukra, Midsund, Molde, Rauma and Vestnes. ROR-IKT was established in 2014 so that the municipalities could achieve improved co-ordination and efficient use of computer systems. In the next few years, the municipalities will have a major focus on digitising processes to achieve efficient and rational public services.

A framework agreement will be signed with 1 tenderer. The selected tenderer must be prepared that other municipalities that join the ROR-IKT cooperation will have the option to participate in the agreement (for e.g. Nesset kommune). The contracting authority reserves the right that any organisation changes can affect the agreement.

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