Viking Link UXO Client Representative Services.


Läbirääkimistega menetlus
08.11.2017 10:48 (GMT+02:00)
21.11.2017 12:00


Energinet Energinet
Helle Junge Barløse Helle Barløse
Tonne Kjærsvej 65
7000 Fredericia

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

The tendered assignment includes the provision of client representative services in relation to UXO risk mitigation activities with scheduled duration from March 2018 and to June 2019. The UXO risk mitigation activities include UXO survey, Inspection of possibly buried targets (ROV and sub-sea excavation) and possibly removal of verified UXO items. The tendered assignment shall be provided to the project Viking Link developed jointly between Energinet (Denmark) and National Grid (United Kingdom).

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