- Open national procedure for Amplifiers and Speakers


101 - Kaubad ja teenused väärtuses
Avatud menetlus
19.10.2017 15:25 (GMT+03:00)
02.11.2017 14:00 (GMT+02:00)


Tina Edelskov Tina Edelskov
Emil Holms Kanal 20
0999 Copenhagen

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

Replacement of Amplifier units to drive existing L’acoustics pro audio speaker enclosures in DR TV stu-dios and Concert Halls and the acquisition of a number of speaker enclosures.

DR needs to replace a number of amplifiers that are part of DR’s PA installations. The PA installations consist of L’acoustics speaker enclosures driven by L’acoustics amplifiers and processors. The L’acoustics speaker enclosures will remain installed and shall for optimum functioning and performance be driven by amplifiers that are compatible with L’acoustics LA4x.

In DR Byen’s Studio 5 the PA system needs to be supplemented with speaker enclosures aimed for speech. The speaker enclosures shall be integrated with the existing L’acoustics PA system and shall be compatible with L’acoustics 5XT.

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