IN — 2017 Procurement of 4 CNC turning lathes and 4 CNC milling centres for TIP, with an option for the procurement of a further 2 turning lathes and milling centres.


Avatud menetlus
11.11.2017 10:14 (GMT+02:00)
24.11.2017 12:00


Nordland fylkeskommune Nordland fylkeskommune
Astrid Nilsen Astrid Nilsen
Prinsensgate 100
8048 Bodø

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

Nordland county invites tenderers to submit tenders for 4 CNC turning lathes and 4 CNC milling centres, with an option for the procurement of a further 2 turning lathes and milling centres.

The competition is split into 2 lots, ‘CNC turning lathes’ and ‘CNC milling centres’. Tenderers can choose to submit tenders for both lots, or just one. We would like to enter into a contract with 1 tenderer for each lot, providing that there is sufficient financing in the budget.

Delivery as soon as possible and as agreed when the contract is signed.

The competition form used is ‘Open tender contest’, i.e., negotiations on the submitted prices are not permitted.

Mercell Estonia OÜ

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