Development of new communications concept for VisitDenmark


101 - Kaubad ja teenused väärtuses
Piiratud menetlus
05.10.2017 15:28 (GMT+03:00)
18.10.2017 13:00 (GMT+03:00)


VisitDenmark // CVR:33055331 VisitDenmark // CVR:33055331
Erik Mortensen Erik Mortensen
Islands Brygge 43, 3.
2300 Copenhagen

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus


VisitDenmark’s efforts to promote Denmark internationally focus on three business areas: Coast & Nature Tourism, City Tourism and Meeting Tourism. VisitDenmark currently operates in 10 priority markets: Germany, Norway, Sweden, Holland, UK, Italy, France, US, China and India.

VisitDenmark's strategy – Smart Tourism – aims to disseminate knowledge about Denmark and inspire an interest in travelling to Denmark. The prerequisite for success is that VisitDenmark focuses on fewer but larger campaigns that under a common headline – Denmark – ensure synergy across business areas and priority markets. With a unified positioning and brand promise, VisitDenmark must communicate Denmark's city destinations as well as Coast & Nature product in all markets – and do so in an increasingly digital global world.

Tourism in Denmark is doing well with growth within all business areas. However, competition is tough and competing destinations are investing heavily to attract tourists. From 2018, VisitDenmark will therefore seek to initiate a revitalisation of the branding of Denmark and Danish cities as tourism destinations to secure the position of Denmark and Copenhagen internationally.

The assignment

Based on a newly developed positioning for Denmark as a tourism destination, VisitDenmark seeks a creative marketing and communication agency that:

1.Based on the abovementioned position can establish a new communications platform for Denmark as a leisure destination. Building on the strategic brand platform, a creative umbrella concept must furthermore be developed to establish the framework for future communication to embrace all leisure business areas; a framework that can be targeted and applied on all priority markets to ensure successful and value-added market communications across all channels. Based on the umbrella concept developed in task 1, a creative concept will be created that revitalises the international marketing of Copenhagen as a must-see city destination.

VisitDenmark thus seeks a strong creative agency that with great knowledge and creativity in an agile process can become a strategic partner and creative leader in the development of the future marketing of Denmark internationally.

The agency shall on the basis of the developed brand platform submit:

1.Their preliminary strategic visions on how Denmark’s tourism position can be used as part of the future communications platform.

2.A roadmap for the launch of an entirely new city campaign for Copenhagen for the spring of 2018 that is to be executed internationally.

Process for the three prequalified agencies

With this tender, VisitDenmark seeks to prequalify three agencies for a further process in which we will invite them to bid on the assignment as described above. The reason why the tender is split two ways is to diminish the resources spent for the agencies involved.

The initial application for VisitDenmark

We initially require a delivery / description that illustrates and demonstrates why the bidder (agency) should become one of the three prequalified agencies for the further process. As part of this, VisitDenmark requires a presentation of the team (including CVs of the envisioned key employees) assigned to the task, as well as their experience in development of brand platforms and international branding.

VisitDenmark is aware that there are significant unresolved questions, which is why we require a (thorough) presentation of the agency and their initial thoughts and not a final execution of tasks, etc.

VisitDenmark will select the three agencies considered to represent the strongest team for the task and which have the greatest experience with similar tasks.

Estimated contract amount = DKK 800,000

The contract amount is expected to be allocated as follows:

•Development of a new umbrella concept for Denmark and of city campaign concept: DKK 500,000

•Development of content and execution of the city tourism promotional activity: DKK 300,000

In addition, a multi-million budget has been allocated to media purchase that is not included in this tender announcement.

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