Operational contract IT administration environment.


Ei kohaldata
31.10.2017 10:27 (GMT+02:00)


Statens lånekasse for utdanning Statens lånekasse for utdanning
Linn Cathrine Skjærmoen Linn Cathrine Skjærmoen
Østre Aker vei 20
0581 Oslo

Hanke lühikirjeldus

The Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund's operational contract for IT systems expires at the end of 2018 and a project has therefore been started to procure new operational contracts. The project is expected to be split into 3 parts:

1) Operation of the core system (Modulis),

2) Operation of infrastructure and office suite systems (administration environment),

3) Monitoring.

This notice is for point 2, operation of infrastructure and office suite systems (administration environment).

A prior information notice is being published so that tenderers can have the time and possibility to familiarise themselves with the procurement method that will be used in this procurement (Best Value Procurement). The notice is expected to be published at the start/middle of October 2017.

Attention is drawn to the fact that the estimated publication date for the competition notice is only an estimate and this date can be changed.

This notice is subject to errors, shortcomings and inaccuracies and there can be changes in the period before the competition is announced.

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