Framework agreements for consultancy services within safety and stand-by in the petroleum industry.


Avatud menetlus
11.07.2017 11:27 (GMT+03:00)
04.09.2017 12:00


Petroleumstilsynet Petroleumstilsynet
Astrid Rygg Johnsen Astrid Rygg Johnsen
Professor Olav Hanssens vei 10, 4021 Stavanger
4003 Stavanger

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

The Petroleum Safety Authority Norway needs framework agreements so that they can quickly assign assignments for which we require support, including other assignments than inspection. The framework agreements will be for consultancy services within safety and stand-by in the petroleum industry on the Norwegian continental shelf and on land. The framework agreements can also cover assistance from consultants for assignments in Ptil's premises if needed.

The procurement is divided into the following sub-areas:

Maintenance management

Risk assessments, stand-by and analyses

Technical safety

Lifting equipment and lifting operations

The assignments within each sub-area will vary in extent from simple analyses or assessments to more in-depth reviews or verifications of proposed systems.

The framework agreements shall be valid for 2 years from 2.1.2018, with an option for a further extension of 1 year + 1 year.

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