Framework agreement for IT hardware components.


Avatud menetlus
26.05.2017 10:43 (GMT+03:00)
12.06.2017 12:00


Norsk Tipping AS Norsk Tipping AS
Trond Trondsgård Willard Trond Trondsgård Willard
Postboks 4414 Bedriftssenteret
2325 Hamar
925 836 613

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

Norsk Tipping shall enter into a framework agreement for the procurement of new hardware and supplementary procurements for existing components. The aim of this is to ensure Norsk Tipping good framework agreement partners who can deliver IT hardware components with the accompanying services and software.

The contracting authority enquire suppliers who:

— Have the greatest possible product breadth as regards the requested products, the existing technical platform is described in Annex 3.

— Have a broad product assortment (represent several product brands).

— Have very well-documented competence and practical experience within the relevant product areas.

— Have good and prioritised channels toward the manufacturers.

— Have references from equivalent framework agreements

— Have good routines and systems for orders, deliveries, and invoicing.

— Can function as a consultant and keep Norsk Tipping updated on new products.

— Have an organisation that can handle service and support enquiries.

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