Tender competition with negotiations for Hurtigbåt [Express Boat] Røvær/Feøy.


Competitive procedure with negotiation
21.01.2017 10:35 (GMT+02:00)
20.02.2017 12:00


Kolumbus AS Kolumbus AS
Gunn Sissel Gravdal
Pb 270, Sentrum
4002 Stavanger

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

The Contracting Authority intends to procure services for scheduled express boat services at Røvær and Feøy. The starting date for the scheduled bus service is 1.1.2019.

The first stage involves the Contracting Authority qualifying tenderers, to then invite qualified tenderers to enter tender submissions in the second stage.

See the Qualification documentation for more information about the first stage, and other parts of the tender documentation for the rest of the competition.

The Contracting Authority uses Mercell Sourcing Service. To express your interest and gain access to any documents, please click on the link below or copy and paste the link into your browser. [http://permalink.mercell.com/64515973.aspx]. Then follow the instructions on the website.

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