1025902 Ila Prison, replacement of pipeline network H001, Engineering Design Group draft project.


Avatud menetlus
28.10.2016 10:43 (GMT+03:00)
05.12.2016 10:00


Statsbygg Hovedkontor [The Directorate of Public Construction and Property Head Office] Statsbygg Hovedkontor [The Directorate of Public Construction and Property Head Office]
Rakel Sævik Remø
Postbok 8106 Dep. (Biskop Gunnerusgt. 6)
0032 Oslo

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

The Directorate of Public Construction and Property [Statsbygg] requests, in connection with project:

no.: 1025902

Name: Ila Prison and Detention Centre, replacement of pipeline network

About tenders for an engineering design group (PG) for:

— Preparation of draft project with draft estimate and cost calculations for

o Rehabilitation of the pipeline network in the Main Building and South Block with alternative solution proposals for toilets in the cells.

o Impact assessment consequent to replacement of the pipeline network.

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