Acquisition of database software (Tender).


Avatud menetlus
20.09.2016 10:11 (GMT+03:00)
28.09.2016 12:00


The Ministry of Taxation The Ministry of Taxation
Mette Lind Jensen Mette Lind Jensen
Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 28
1402 København K

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

The Ministry of Taxation has established an Implementation Center for Property Valuation (ICE) which has been tasked with developing a property valuation system. In connection with this work, ICE needs to undertake continuous data management. For this purpose, The Ministry of Taxation intends to acquire the right of use (e.g. via a contract covering one or more licences) for database software for data management in accordance with the information provided in this Contract Notice.

The database software shall be compatible with cloud infrastructure (IaaS), maybe with local physical disks instead of SAN like disks. Cloud infrastructure requires database software which is highly scalable and which can be used in connection with the distribution of capacity demand across clusters of machines and multiple datacenters located in geographically dispersed locations.

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