Plan system for Den Norske Opera and Ballett.


Ei kohaldata
21.05.2016 10:26 (GMT+03:00)


Den Norske Opera og Ballett Den Norske Opera og Ballett
Jørn Eirik Pettersen Jørn Eirik Pettersen
Kirsten Flagstads plass 1
0106 Oslo
920 201 598

Hanke lühikirjeldus

DNO&B — New Plan System — RFI

DNO&B is Norway's largest cultural institution and it produces on average 500 performances per annum, divided between 5 internal stages and tours. The performances are produced by the National Ballet, the National Opera, the Music Department and the Commercial Department (pop/rock concerts and other events). DNO&B employees 1 200 people (600 permanent employees/600 guests) each year.

Defined system requirements:

— The plan system must be industry specific for planning performances of opera and ballet. Tenderers must have other clients of an equivalent size to DNO&B.

— Tenderers must emphasis continual software development in order to meet the higher requirements for future resource planning and administration.

— The plan system must be internet based.

— The plan system must be able to handle all aspects within production planning, including artistic and technical resources.

— The plan system must include automated functions for calculations of, for example, hours of specific activities, tasks and resources.

— It must be possible to integrate the plan system with other ERP systems.

We would like, via this notice, to map a possible existing market for this type of tool, which sees to the unique needs in our sector. We therefore ask potential suppliers to send us a detailed description of the proposed system, set up for our defined requirements.

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