Assistance with the development of content elements (including a digital comparison tool) for a pension module for Finansportalen.


Avatud menetlus
12.02.2016 10:26 (GMT+02:00)
31.03.2016 12:00

Kasper Gisholt Kasper Gisholt
Fred Olsens gate 1
0152 Oslo

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

Finansportalen shall expand its focus area to also include pension products. A pension module shall thus be established on Finansportalen. The pension module shall include professional content on pension and pension products, as well as different comparison and overview tools for pension products and pension rights. The intention is to clarify for consumers which options they have, given them an overview of obtained rights and to clarify comparisons of pension products with costs, historical yield, etc. so that they can make better choices for their own pension.

Assistance is thus wanted for facilitating professional content on pensions, as well as assistance with the development of a comparison tool and savings calculator/pension calculator, etc. which is based on data input from external data suppliers.

The ‘raw material’ (the purely professional content) that shall be facilitated and presented for the consumer will be provided for the service provider, and it will be presented by the Finansportalen and collaborating professional environments. The challenge for the chosen service provider will, in this connection, be to present the given material on pensions in an engaging, simple and understandable way for consumers.

The assistance connected to this contract is thus mainly for the production of video clips, infographics and short articles etc. connected to pensions and pension saving. In addition there will be the development of different comparison and overview tools for pension products, obtained rights and costs in the different products. Furthermore integration with external computer systems and data deliveries from third parties (including Norsk Pensjon) will also be included. The development of a concept for simple, user friendly and educational facilitation of professional content, user interface and interaction design are also included in the project.

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