Framework agreement for compressors for injection of upgraded biogas into DONG Gas Distributions A/S' natural gas grid in Denmark.


Läbirääkimistega menetlus
08.05.2015 12:10 (GMT+03:00)
22.05.2015 13:00 (GMT+03:00)
19.05.2015 0:59 (GMT+03:00)


Dong Gas Distribution A/S Dong Gas Distribution A/S
Claus Friis Lundegaard Claus Friis Lundegaard
Nesa Alle 1
2820 Gentofte

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

DONG Energy Sales & Distribution A/S' intends to install a number of compressors for injection of upgraded biogas into DONG Gas Distributions A/S' natural gas grid in Denmark.

The compressor package under the agreement will have different requirements to capacity range as well as pressure range.

Basically the package shall cover the capacity range from 150 Nm3/h to 10.000 Nm3/h, with an inlet pressure of 2.0 - 10.0 barg and an outlet pressure of 19 - 40 barg.

It is op to the manufacturer to decide the solution for the package, whether it is 1 unit in the package, or several units in a series construction. Some packages shall also be delivered in redundant solutions.

The compressor package shall be delivered as complete solutions, ready to be installed on the site and include all necessary equipment inside the interface of the manufacturer. There will be some client deliveries of gasflow meters etc.

The compressor units shall be delivered as packaged units delivered in a weather screen, with different noise requirements depending on the environment in which the compressor to be placed or without weather screen for installation in Buildings provided by others.

The compressor units, shall be build according to API 618 and ISO 13631 or similar recognized compressor standard.

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