Framework agreement for the procurement of mobile units for use with Visma Mobil Omsorg as well as operational services connected to the units.


Avatud menetlus
17.04.2015 10:43 (GMT+03:00)


Bærum kommune Bærum kommune
Hege B. Kristoffersen Hege B. Kristoffersen
Arnold Haukelands plass 10
1304 Sandvika


Entities, departments and units that provide welfare services and health care to residents in Bærum municipality and who can document this in the municipality's documentation system for health and welfare, shall be able to procure ready configured units and services covered by this contract. The procurement includes administrative services connected to the configuration of the unit, life cycle administration, reporting and logistics, but also the actual unit, with additional equipment to ensure good use of the unit.

Section V: Award of contract

Contract No: 1

Lot No: 1 - Lot title: Framework agreement for the procurement of mobile units for use with Visma Mobil Omsorsg as well as operational services connected to the units

V.1) Date of contract award decision:


V.2) Information about offers

Number of offers received: 3

V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

E-mail: Telephone: Kjedehuset AS886642822, Gjerdrumsvei 19, 0448 Oslo, NORWAY, +47 95816000

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