Strategic cooperation between logistics initiatives in the STRING corridor


Avatud menetlus
03.07.2014 16:33 (GMT+03:00)
20.08.2014 13:00 (GMT+03:00)


Region Sjælland Region Sjælland
Sandrina Lohse Sandrina Lohse
Alléen 15
4180 Sorø

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The project Green STRING Corridor ( is aiming at investigating the potential in developing innovative transport and logistics solutions to promote a green corridor between the Oresund Region and Hamburg. Region Zealand is the project leader in the Interreg-project Green STRING corridor ( The project was launched in December 2011, and is scheduled to run for three years. It is financed by the Interreg IVA Öresund Program and brings together 12 partners from the Öresund region.

As part of the recent activities within project dialogue forum on ‘Transport and logistics cluster’ the project has initiated a cooperation agreement between logistic initiatives in the STRING region. Region Zealand is the task leader for the work package entitled ‘Logistics and business development in the STRING corridor’ (WP2) and is responsible for the activity ‘Strategic cooperation between logistics initiatives in the STRING corridor’. Since this study has the aim to support and contribute to the ongoing cooperation between the logistic initiatives in the STRING corridor various actors of this cooperation will be involved as contact persons for this activity and they have furthermore a function as a steering group.

The study should include:

Part I:

-Present short status of the ongoing logistic initiatives in the STRING corridor, where you get in contact with the signed parties and present each logistic initiatives, e.g. include strength as possible input for this cooperation (e.g. Hamburg is a certificated gold cluster they can support others both with knowledge and experiences on how to set up e.g. financial structure, organisation inside the cluster, marketing the cluster, human resources)

-What is the relationship between clusters and infrastructure development, how is it connected to sustainable growth (both on the practical and socio-economic level)? What roles have clusters for growth in the regions? Explain through international known examples and interpreted it into STRING corridor perspective.

-Provide an overview of a cross–clusters along the STRING corridor and their implementation status (e.g. certification state , fields of activities, contacts) of cluster initiatives in the STRING corridor where transport and logistics is relevant along the supply chain (e.g. green tech/renewable energy, maritime, life science, aviation, IT)

Part II:

-Identify with the signed parties a working process; funding possibilities and operation model to initiate the objectives/focus themes from the cooperation agreement (e.g. STRING logistic network, innovation support, knowledge exchange platform, etc.).

-Propose and support the parties on identifying a business development process that enables them to contribute with insight knowledge, business cases, events etc.

The results must be presented in

›A brief 15-20-page report in English representing the main findings and results.

›A summary version of the report in German, Swedish, Danish and English representing main outcomes for strategic cooperation.

A PowerPoint presentation in English - includes statements from interviews, maps, tables and figures - to present the main conclusions.

It is expected that the overall study will be coordinated with the WP leader, project partners in WP 2. The task is completed, when Region Zealand has approved the final report.

Submission of tender

The submitted tender should include information on:

-Expected use of resources to solve the task

-Name and position of person connected to the task with CV

-Documented experience and results within similar assignments.

Hankele lisatud dokumendid

Dokumendi nimi Faili suurus
Tender Green STRING Corridor WP 2.4 - final.pdf 879 KB

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