OHARA Consultant rock installations.


Avatud menetlus
16.04.2014 5:37 (GMT+03:00)
27.05.2014 14:00


Os kommune (Hordaland)844 458 312 Os kommune (Hordaland)844 458 312
Johannes Håkonsund
Postboks 84
5202 Os i Hordaland

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

Os municipality has, in the municipal council resolution 14.02.12 decided that a new main treatment plant shall be established for sewage,

Project OHARA, which is situated in rock under Liafjellet in Ytre Moberg.

These tender documents for Consultant Rock Installations, OHARA are for engineering design services, preparation of drawings and a description for collecting tenders for blasting the access tunnel, rock hall for the treatment plant and discharge tunnel, which are necessary for the establishment of the treatment plant.

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