OFA-F2014.001 OFA Elev-PC 2014


Avatud menetlus
27.02.2014 5:35 (GMT+02:00)
10.04.2014 12:00
03.04.2014 23:30


Vest-Agder fylkeskommune960 895 827 Vest-Agder fylkeskommune960 895 827
Knut Otto Pedersen
Postboks 517 Lundsiden
4605 Kristiansand S

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

The contracting authority (Aust- og Vest-Agder fylkeskommune and a number of municipalities) shall enter into an agreement concerning the purchase of portable student PCs, mainly for students but also for teachers/employees. The enquiry consists of three parts. Part 1 relates to a fairly large number of devices with peripherals, with moderate requirements in terms of performance, part 2 relates to a moderate number of devices with more stringent requirements in terms of performance for use in teaching relating to media and communication studies at AAFK, and part 3 relates to a moderate number of devices with more stringent requirements in terms of performance for use in teaching relating to media and communication studies at VAF.

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