Framework agreement, Strategy Facilitator.


Avatud menetlus
13.02.2014 5:35 (GMT+02:00)
19.03.2014 12:00


Gassnova SF Gassnova SF
Kjersti Tegdal Løver
Dokkvegen 10
3920 Porsgrunn

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

This competitive tender procedure relates to a framework agreement for a Strategy Facilitator for Gassnova SF.

Gassnova SF is planning to continue a strategy process for the company which began in 2013. Gassnova will also be assisting the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (OED) with devising a new national CCS strategy, and with this procurement process it wishes to enter into an agreement relating to assistance to facilitate the implementation of such a process, among other things. It would be preferable to deploy 1 resource person, but it may also be appropriate to involve more.

Please note that assignments will be specified in separate call-offs, and that there may be a need in these for more resources and other assistance in respect of strategy work.

A strategy process essentially comprises three phases: 1) Analysis 2) Development 3) Implementation.

During the initial analysis phase, it will be necessary – among other things – to establish the company's overall objectives, taking into account the fact that approved limits exist for the company's operations on account of, among other things, annual assignment documents and parliamentary white papers, the latest being st. M 9, 2011. It will also be necessary to carry out a situation analysis, obtain external input with regard to specific specialist fields/topics, and carry out GAP analyses in connection with the overall objectives of the company. The company's strategy, which will be converted into subordinate sub-targets and action plans during the implementation phase, will be formulated on the basis of this information. This work shall also be used as a contribution to the OED's strategy work. Tenderers must have experience of the state's procedures for external quality assurance; KS1 and KS2.

Tenderers must be able to facilitate the strategy process, i.e. plan work, arrange and participate in meetings, document the results of the work, follow up on schedules and obtain contributions from participants involved in the work, and provide advice or other assistance with regard to strategy.

The supplier must confirm that there are no problems with impartiality in relation to the delivery, linked to e.g. other suppliers or counterparties of Gassnova.

The agreement will be based on documents enclosed with this competitive tender procedure.

Submitting Tenders

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