Provision of Stratigraphic and Geochemical Analysis.


Läbirääkimistega menetlus
29.11.2013 5:32 (GMT+02:00)
16.12.2013 23:59


Chevron North Sea Ltd. Chevron North Sea Ltd.
Michelle Morrison
Hill of Rubislaw
AB156XL Aberdeen

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

The contract is a non-exclusive framework agreement with economic operator(s) for the provision of Stratigraphic and Geochemical Analysis to support Chevron North Sea Ltd (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") and its affiliated companies for land based exploration and production activities in Europe.

Company's preferred outcome shall be to award non-exclusive agreement(s) to economic operator(s) who are capable of delivering the required services.

Mercell Estonia OÜ

Mercelli gruppi kuuluv Euroopa juhtiv e-hanke keskkond vahendab infot ostjate ja tarnijate vahel.


Mercell Eesti kasutajatugi

+372 683 6785
Mercell Estonia OÜ | Põhja puiestee 21C, 10143 Tallinn, Eesti