Radar spare parts and accessories


Piiratud menetlus
05.12.2013 5:12 (GMT+02:00)


Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization
A. Wier A. Wier
Lautrupberg 1-5
2750 Ballerup

Hanke lühikirjeldus

Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization, Lautrupberg 1-5, For the attention of: A. Wier, Ballerup, 2750, DENMARK. Telephone: +45 72572247. E-mail: fmt-id-s213@mil.dk

(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 28.8.2013, 2013/S 166-288655)

2013/S 236-409536



Radar spare parts and accessories

Incomplete procedureThe contract has not been awarded

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No suitable tenders received.

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