24/01721 JAPreventNCD research health taxation - The Norwegian Institute of Public Health


eForm 16 Contract notice — standard regime
Avatud menetlus
26.11.2024 10:02 (GMT+02:00)
10.01.2025 13:00 (GMT+02:00)
03.01.2025 13:00 (GMT+02:00)


Norsk Helsenett SF Norsk Helsenett SF
Frode Kristiansen Frode Kristiansen
Abels gate 9
Postboks 6123, 7435 TRONDHEIM


Hanke lühikirjeldus

The JA PreventNCD project seeks to enhance public health outcomes by leveraging health taxes as a policy tool. This tender document invites proposals from research groups with expertise in health economics, fiscal policies, policy innovation and evaluation to conduct comprehensive research on health taxation within the European Union (EU) and its member states.
The primary objective is to provide evidence-based insights to support policy making in five areas related to health taxation (particularly excise taxes) on products that impacts health, particularly NCDs and cancers.
The five areas are tobacco use (all tobacco products including nicotine products, devices and related accessories), alcohol use, unhealthy foods and drinks (foods and beverages with high content of fat, salt and sugar) and sources for unhealthy environments (i.e. environmental chemicals and pollution).

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