Construction Management Services (Brasília)


Piiratud menetlus
04.12.2024 18:12 (GMT+02:00)
05.09.2024 16:00 (GMT+03:00)


Ulkoministeriö Ulkoministeriö
Rosa Vanhanen Rosa Vanhanen
PL 176
00023 Valtioneuvosto

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

The scope of the procurement is construction management services for a refurbishment project in Brasília, Brazil.

The purpose of the procurement is to award a contract for construction project management services. The contract covers the necessary management, procurement, supervision and commissioning services together with project assistance and documentation services.

The scope of the services is described in more detail in the Invitation to Participate and its annexes and in the tender documents provided later to the candidates selected to the tendering phase.

The procurement documents are available by email. Please submit a request for documents to The title of the email shall be "Document Request: Construction Management Services Brazil".



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