Procurement of new long-distance Trains


Negotiated procedure without prior call for competition
08.07.2024 12:46 (GMT+03:00)


Ricke Knudsen
Postboks 1547 Vika
0117 Oslo


Det vises til Contract 20-22 - "Class N10 FLIRT long distance trainsets", inngått mellom Norske tog og Stadler Bussnang AG. Kontraktsinngåelse ble kunngjort 31.03.2023.

Etter kontraktsinngåelse har Norske tog, sammen med operatørene, besluttet at det er nødvendig å gjøre en justering knyttet til "electrical coupler". Endringen gjelder: "The electrical coupler head of the automatic front coupler is removed for the large-size Multiple Units, since it is not foreseen that there will be any multiple operation with another large-size or short-size Trainsets."

Justeringen innebærer en endring/oppdatering av et I-krav. I kontrakten er I-krav definert som "For informational purposes only, not subject to evaluation. "

Dette gjelder følgende I-krav:

A02:8.1.b (I) - "An automatic coupler include both mechanical (including pneumatical) and electrical coupling/uncoupling possibilities and enable automatic coupling/uncoupling as well as a manual coupling/uncoupling."

Partene er enig om å endre kravet til:

A02:8.1.b (I) - "An automatic coupler include both mechanical (including pneumatical) and electrical coupling/uncoupling possibilities and enable automatic coupling/uncoupling as well as a manual coupling/uncoupling. For front end couplers of a large-size Multiple Unit the electrical coupling possibility may be removed."

Justeringen innebærer ikke en endring for M-krav, men det nevnte I-kravet har en tilknytning til et M-krav. I kontrakten er M-krav definert som: "Mandatory requirements which must be fulfilled. NT will assess the requirements as either passed or failed. Failed fulfillment of a requirement leads to rejection of the Tender."

M-kravet dette gjelder er:

A02:8.1.1.a: "For Multiple Units and Configurable Units automatic couplers shall be mounted in both ends".

Det vises til Contract 20-22 - "Class N10 FLIRT long distance trainsets", inngått mellom Norske tog og Stadler Bussnang AG. Kontraktsinngåelse ble kunngjort 31.03.2023.

Etter kontraktsinngåelse har Norske tog, sammen med operatørene, besluttet at det er nødvendig å gjøre en justering knyttet til "electrical coupler". Endringen gjelder: "The electrical coupler head of the automatic front coupler is removed for the large-size Multiple Units, since it is not foreseen that there will be any multiple operation with another large-size or short-size Trainsets."

Justeringen innebærer en endring/oppdatering av et I-krav. I kontrakten er I-krav definert som "For informational purposes only, not subject to evaluation. "

Dette gjelder følgende I-krav:

A02:8.1.b (I) - "An automatic coupler include both mechanical (including pneumatical) and electrical coupling/uncoupling possibilities and enable automatic coupling/uncoupling as well as a manual coupling/uncoupling."

Partene er enig om å endre kravet til:

A02:8.1.b (I) - "An automatic coupler include both mechanical (including pneumatical) and electrical coupling/uncoupling possibilities and enable automatic coupling/uncoupling as well as a manual coupling/uncoupling. For front end couplers of a large-size Multiple Unit the electrical coupling possibility may be removed."

Justeringen innebærer ikke en endring for M-krav, men det nevnte I-kravet har likevel en tilknytning til et M-krav. I kontrakten er M-krav definert som: "Mandatory requirements which must be fulfilled. NT will assess the requirements as either passed or failed. Failed fulfillment of a requirement leads to rejection of the Tender."

M-kravet dette gjelder er:

A02:8.1.1.a: "For Multiple Units and Configurable Units automatic couplers shall be mounted in both ends".

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