Intention notice for operational services ICT


Negotiated procedure without prior call for competition
30.04.2024 12:17 (GMT+03:00)


Stiftelsen Design og arkitektur Norge Stiftelsen Design og arkitektur Norge
Therese Thuy Nguyen
Hausmanns gate 16
0182 Oslo


Currently it is impossible to design a needs description of the technical conditions in a clear and predictable way for holding a competition, cf. FOA § 13-4 (b) no. 2.

The office premises have not yet been completed and DOGA shall work a little differently in the new premises. Employees shall work between 2 floors, without large event premises that we have now. We will try to work without any services we currently purchase, such as without a secure print system. There are also some changes planned for internal assignment distribution with, among other things, a new IT gender neutral preferred (from October 2024). After DOGA has moved to the new address, it is thought to spend the first six months to check the changed needs of IT and telephony services. When mapped, DOGA will announce a new competition. The contracts will therefore be extended for 1 year.

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