Anti hvitvasking og økonomiske misligheter (AHV)


Läbirääkimistega menetlus
24.04.2024 10:00 (GMT+03:00)
23.11.2023 1:59 (GMT+02:00)


Norsk Tipping AS Norsk Tipping AS
Trond Trondsgård Willard Trond Trondsgård Willard
Postboks 4414
2325 Hamar

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

IT verktøy for å avdekke hvitvasking og økonomisk kriminalitet.

Hankele lisatud dokumendid

Dokumendi nimi Faili suurus
Appendix 13 Annex A Standard DBA EU-EEG.docx 89 KB
Appendix 13 DPA cover page.pdf 85 KB
Appendix 12 Declaration of confidentiality for external con.pdf 169 KB
Appendix 11 Ethical guidelines for Norsk Tippings contractors.pdf 328 KB
Appendix 10 Standard Terms for cloud service.DOCX 120 KB
Appendix 9 Changes to the agreement after.pdf 177 KB
Appendix 8 Changes to general contractual wording.pdf 175 KB
Appendix 7 Payment and payment terms.DOCX 131 KB
Appendix 6 Administrative provisions.docx 127 KB
Appendix 4 Plan for implementation.docx 153 KB
Appendix 2 Suppliers solution.docx 191 KB
Appendix 2 Annex 1 Reference.DOCX 125 KB
Appendix 1 Customer requirements.pdf 499 KB
ssa-cloud_v2021_english.docx 170 KB
Invitation to tender part B - Negotiated procedure under part I and III.pdf 264 KB
Appendix 5 SLA.DOCX 123 KB
Number of transactions.pdf 97 KB
Declaration of commitment subc..docx 111 KB
Questions and answers.pdf 44 KB
Invitation to tender part A - Negotiated procedure under part I and III.pdf 351 KB
European Single Procurement Document (ESPD).pdf 503 KB

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+372 683 6785
Mercell Estonia OÜ | Põhja puiestee 21C, 10143 Tallinn, Eesti