Consultancy for Diaspora Research Specialist for DEMAC


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12.07.2023 16:06 (GMT+03:00)
31.07.2023 16:00 (GMT+03:00)


DRC - Danish Refugee Council - Dansk Flygtningehjælp DRC - Danish Refugee Council - Dansk Flygtningehjælp
Borgergade 10, 3.
1300 København K

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Hanke lühikirjeldus

Tender Closure​: 31 Jul 2023 - 15:00 UTC

Published: 07 Jul 2023

Reference: DKHQ_RFP_PR_00247072

Tender Type: RFP - Request for proposal

Location: Europe | Denmark

Category: Services Contract

Type: One Time Purchase

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) through the DEMAC initiative (Diaspora Emergency Action and Coordination) seeks 5 months dedicated, full-time technical support on diaspora qualitative and quantitative research and mapping from a consultant with minimum 7 years’ experience within the humanitarian or NGO field with a focus on diaspora and/or local civil society actors, including demonstrable experience delivering timely, high-quality technical support to teams implementing complex multisector initiatives. The consultant will conduct qualitative and quantitative mapping, real-time reviews and provide technical MEAL guidance, advice for DEMAC teams. The consultant will work under the supervision of DRC’s head of diaspora unit, collaborating closely with the DEMAC and Civil Society Engagement Unit teams. Interested bidders may submit their offers in accordance with the guidelines provided in the tender dossier.

Tender Package

DKHQ RFP PR 00247072


No changes made

Contact Person


Sofia Jarvis

DEMAC Project Coordinator

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