Supply, Construction and Maintenance of Kelme 2 and Kelme 3 Wind farm projects (240 MW)


17.05.2023 12:34 (GMT+03:00)
26.05.2023 23:23 (GMT+03:00)
25.05.2023 23:00 (GMT+03:00)


Enefit Green UAB Enefit Green UAB
Andrius Venckūnas Amanda Nagevičiūtė
Olimpiečių g. 1-40
LT-09235 Vilnius

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

The Contracting Authority intends to purchase a supply, construction and maintenance solution including, inter alia, the elements listed below for the Kelme WF projects at the Site, located in Kelmė District, Lithuania.
The scope construction of two Kelme WF projects
  • Kelme 2 (UAB Vejoteka) 13 – 16 WTG’s
  • Kelme 3 (UAB Kelmės Vėjo Energija) 25 WTG’s
In summary, the scope of work under the Supply Contract includes, inter alia, the following to deliver to the Contracting Authority a reliable and fully functional wind Kelme 2 & Kelme 3 projects.
This Procurement Exercise includes the procurement of the Supply Contract and Maintenance Contract as further described in the Tender Documents.
The Tenderers submitted Tender shall include all necessary items covering all the requirements of both contracts in their entirety. Both Contracts shall be awarded to one and the same Tenderer only.
In parallel of this Procurement Exercise, Contracting Authority will procure Balance of Plant (BoP) service for each individual Kelme WF project which will become the integral part of the Works to be successfully conducted and finalized. However, the scope for Contractor (result of the Tender for the Supply Contract’s part) and for the BoP service provider (result of the parallel procurement for BoP services) will be delineated in separate agreements with the Contracting Authority.
Tenderers in this Procurement Exercise must mandatorily submit 4 different bids:

Bid 1 for Kelme II – max turbine capacity – 6,2 MW, specification No. 1;
Bid 2 for Kelme II – maximum park efficiency - specification No. 2 - turbine capacity is not specified  ;

Bid 3 for Kelme III – max turbine capacity – 6,2 MW, specification No. 1;
Bid 4 for Kelme III – maximum park efficiency - specification No. 2 - turbine capacity is not specified  ;

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In case you have questions related to this procurement, please contact via Mercell system or via email:


In order to participate in one or more of the listed lots, click on the lot itself. On the specific lot you can show your interest and continue the tender proces.

Hankele lisatud dokumendid

Dokumendi nimi Faili suurus
Eesti Energia Groups´Code of Ethics for Partners.pdf 911 KB
Eesti Energia Occupational Health and Safety Requirements.pdf 84 KB
Instructions to Tenderers.docx 453 KB
WTG Tender 25,16 MB
2023 04 14-Schedule 4-Owner's Information.docx 2,68 MB
Road-crane-pad-profile.pdf 154 KB
Preliminary crane pad sketch.dwg 525 KB
Form 7 - Tender Price Payment Milestones.xlsx 107 KB

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