Agreement for a pilot project for carpooling services for Alna District


01 - Prior information notice
Ei kohaldata
14.02.2023 10:50 (GMT+02:00)


Oslo kommune v/ Utviklings- og kompetanseetaten Oslo kommune v/ Utviklings- og kompetanseetaten
Svein Hetland
Grensesvingen 6
0663 Oslo

Hanke lühikirjeldus

The Agency for Improvement and Development is co-operating with the Alna District on the procurement and implementation of a pilot project for carpooling services. The pilot period is 1 year. However, option for 3 years extension to enable the District to take over and extend the agreement after the expiration of the pilot period. The experience from the pilot project shall form the basis for any larger investments. The Agency for Improvement and Development is co-operating with the Alna District on the procurement and implementation of a pilot project for carpooling services. Alna District wants to replace some of the vehicles by purchasing carpooling services. The cars included in the agreement shall also be used by the public when they are not in use by the district's employees. The pilot period is 1 year. However, option for 3 years extension to enable the District to take over and extend the agreement after the expiration of the pilot period. The experience from the pilot project shall form the basis for any larger investments. See separate annex for further information on needs and requirements.

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