51-BYM-2021 Framework agreement - Service contract for installation of outdoor lighting fixtures


03 - Contract award notice
Avatud menetlus
20.12.2022 10:27 (GMT+02:00)


Oslo kommune v/ Bymiljøetaten Oslo kommune v/ Bymiljøetaten
Jannicke Andersen
Postboks 636 Løren
0507 Oslo


The Agency for Urban Environment is responsible for Oslo Municipality's obligations concerning urban environment, including the management and operation of Oslo Municipality's forests and recreational areas, streets/roads, sports facilities, central parks, urban spaces, and large, connected recreational areas, including footpaths, islands in inner Oslo fjord, and the beach zone. The Agency's goal is to make Oslo a safe, beautiful, environmentally friendly and active city. One of our goals is to work strategically with reducing the backlog of maintenance work for electrical installations for outdoor lighting This agreement is intended to support the contracting authority in this work. The upcoming need is particularly related to assignments regarding the transition from air to ground supply, re-establishment of old cable systems and general renewal of old installations.

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