Digital Asset Management - Asset Investment planning tool


05 - Contract notice - utilities
Läbirääkimistega menetlus
04.05.2022 11:51 (GMT+03:00)
30.05.2022 13:00


Metroselskabet I/S Metroselskabet I/S
Peter Lerche Andreasen
2300 København S

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

Copenhagen Metro has relatively young assets and has until now not had a need for major reinvestments. As the assets mature, the need for a reinvestment strategy to support the reinvestment plans becomes stronger. Therefore, Copenhagen Metro would like to invest in an Asset Investment Planning tool that is built on a solid foundation, utilizing knowledge and best practice from peers regarding reinvestment levels. A basis for the tool should be maintaining current performance, thus at the same time neither under nor overinvesting. Furthermore, the tool should be able to use the company’s KPI’s (Service availability, Customer satisfaction, Safety, Capacity and Climate Footprint) actively in the investment planning and quickly build different scenarios accordingly. The tool will be able to assist in balancing reinvestment decisions with the maintenance strategy and decisions.

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