Majorstuhjemmene - Turnkey contract.


03 - Contract award notice
Avatud menetlus
06.04.2022 10:50 (GMT+03:00)


Oslo kommune v/ Omsorgsbygg Oslo KF Oslo kommune v/ Omsorgsbygg Oslo KF
Taiana Stjernvik
Besøksadresse: Grenseveien 78 C, 0663 Oslo Postadresse: Postboks 6391 Etterstad
0604 Oslo


Procurement of a turnkey contract for the demolition of an existing nursing home and the construction of a new nursing home in Trudvangveien 38, Oslo. In addition to the construction of a new nursing home the turnkey contractor must also realise the construction of a public square. The Nursing Home Department has given the Municipal Undertaking for Social Service Buildings the task of planning, engineering, and constructing a new nursing home for approx. 120 nursing home places and 1 day centre in Trudvangveien 38. The existing building must be completely demolished. The new building will consist of approx. 15,990 m2 with seven floors + a basement. Majorstutunet nursing home currently consists of two joined buildings, the eldest of which was constructed around 1984 and the newest around 2000. The nursing home consists of 5 floors (new part) and 4 floors (older part) plus a basement. (approx. 11,300 m2) The site has been through a development process, and the final approval for the detailed development was given on 13.12.2017.

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