Market survey - digital aids for schools


01 - Prior information notice
Ei kohaldata
24.12.2021 11:19 (GMT+02:00)


Lørenskog kommune Lørenskog kommune
Stine Brun Stine Brun
Hasselveien 6
1471 Lørenskog

Hanke lühikirjeldus

Lørenskog municipality wants to get in contact with the market in connection with a new agreement for the procurement of digital aids in schools. We already have an agreement for the leasing of tablets. This agreement expires by the end of 2022 and we are therefore initiating the process with investigating the options in the market. The first step is an open request where we want potential suppliers to to contact us for inputs. We have listed below a number of things we are particularly interested in investigating, but we are open to all possible inputs from the supplier market. Inputs are requested by the end of January. Based on the feedback, it may be relevant with one-on-one meetings with suppliers. Later in the process we are considering sending the documents for hearing. Inputs shall be submitted to The enquiry shall be marked 'Markedsdialog digitale hjelpemidler.'

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