Rena- Renting Bed-sits


15 - Voluntary ex ante transparency notice
Award of a contract without prior publication of a call for competition
09.07.2021 11:29 (GMT+03:00)


Forsvarsbygg Forsvarsbygg
Morten Lindstad Morten Lindstad
Postboks 405 Sentrum
0103 Oslo


The Norwegian Defence Estates Agency intends to enter into a contract with the limited company Arenarena AS (business reg. No 919 062 746), Torget 1, 2450 Rena for the rental of 92 bed-sits in bed-sit buildings that will be constructed in Telthusveivegen 6, 2450 Rena, cadastral No 8, title No 22 in Åmot Municipality.

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