Professional System for the Fire Prevention Department


02 - Contract notice
Avatud menetlus
09.07.2021 11:28 (GMT+03:00)
01.09.2021 9:00


Asker kommune Asker kommune
Helge Andreas Barring
Katrineåsveien 20
3440 Røyken

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

ABBR (Asker og Bærum brann og redning IKS) [Asker og Bærum Fire and Rescue] hereby invites tenderers to participate in an open tender contest in connection with procurement of a new professional system for the fire prevention department. Asker og Bærum Fire and Rescue (ABBR) is an operative and preventative fire and rescue service responsible for an area of 569 km ABBR was established in 2020 after a merger between Asker og Bærum Fire Service, Røyken Fire and Rescue and Hurum Fire Service. ABBR is an inter-municipal company with headquarters for administration and management at the fire station in Asker. The fire stations at Hurum and Røyken in Asker and at Bekkestua, Fornebu and Gjettum in Bærum are part of the contingency.

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