Framework Agreement — Audit Services — Oslobygg KF (Municipal Undertaking for Social Housing)


02 - Contract notice
Avatud menetlus
07.07.2021 11:00 (GMT+03:00)
25.08.2021 12:00


Oslo kommune v/ Oslobygg KF Oslo kommune v/ Oslobygg KF
Eivind Dahl Thoresen
Postboks 6538 Etterstad
0606 Oslo

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

The framework agreement includes audit services for the Board of Oslobygg KF (Municipal undertaking for Social Housing). The audit services include controls related to Oslobygg's compliance with laws and regulations. The selection of topics will be based on a risk assessment and/or on input from the Board, so that one revises the primary areas of significance. Note that the call for tenders is carried out by Undervisningsbygg Oslo KF on behalf of Oslobygg KF.

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