Framework Agreement for Office Supplies, School Materials, and Basic Accessories


02 - Contract notice
Avatud menetlus
06.07.2021 10:53 (GMT+03:00)
27.08.2021 12:00


Alta kommune Alta kommune
Marianne Nielsen-Gschib
Postboks 1403
9506 Alta

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

Alta Municipality invites tenderers to an open tender competition without negotiations for a 2-year framework agreement for the delivery of office supplies, school materials, and basic accessories for the municipality's entities. The objective of the framework agreement is to ensure secure deliveries that function in the optimum manner for the municipality’s entities.

Mercell Estonia OÜ

Mercelli gruppi kuuluv Euroopa juhtiv e-hanke keskkond vahendab infot ostjate ja tarnijate vahel.


Mercell Eesti kasutajatugi

+372 683 6785
Mercell Estonia OÜ | Põhja puiestee 21C, 10143 Tallinn, Eesti