Consultant Contracts — Analysis of Crude Oil and the Natural Gas Liquid Market (NGL)


02 - Contract notice
Avatud menetlus
16.04.2021 11:20 (GMT+03:00)
18.05.2021 12:00


Olje- og energidepartementet Olje- og energidepartementet
Knut Mansika Knut Mansika
Postboks 8148 Dep
0033 Oslo

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

The purpose of the assignment is to give the Secretariat to Petroleumsprisrådet (PPR) in Olje- og energidepartmentet (OED) (the Petroleum Price Board in the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy) advice about development in the oil and natural gas liquid market (NGL), including market analysis of the different crude oil and natural gas liquid qualities relevant to the valuation of Norwegian crude oil and natural gas liquid. This includes evaluation of oil and natural gas liquid price information, analysis, and other reports etc. connected to the markets for crude oil, oil and natural gas liquid products. The consultant must be able to give advice about market value for different crude oil and natural gas liquid qualities in a report that will be delivered each quarter. The Ministry uses these types of services primarily for the secretariat's work (PPR). For all relevant sales, PPR sets standard prices (tax reference prices) for the Norwegian crude oil and natural gas liquid qualities on a quarterly basis.

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