Qualification for Back-end System HentMeg/Qualification for back-end System for the HentMeg Service


05 - Contract notice - utilities
Läbirääkimistega menetlus
17.11.2020 10:37 (GMT+02:00)
11.12.2020 12:00


Kolumbus AS Kolumbus AS
Gunn Sissel Brasetvik Gunn Sissel Brasetvik
Jernbaneveien 9
4002 Stavanger

Hange on lõppenud

Hanke lühikirjeldus

Kolumbus AS hereby invites tenderers to a competitive tender with negotiation for the purchase of a back-end system for the HentMeg service. Furthermore, a maintenance agreement will be entered into with the successful tenderer.

Mercell Estonia OÜ

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