AR 32 Accelerated Lifetime Testing


15 - Voluntary ex ante transparency notice
Award of a contract without prior publication of a call for competition
24.12.2019 10:32 (GMT+02:00)


Aalborg Universitet Aalborg Universitet
Helle Wulff Helle Wulff
Fredrik Bajers Vej 7K
9220 Aalborg Øst


Aalborg University Department of Energy Technology needs to purchase laboratory equipment used for Accelerated Lifetime testing system and Highly Accelerated Limit, The HALT chamber should be able to run at max temperature of 250 degree Celcius or higher, which is important for testing next generation semiconductor modules and high-temperature passive components. All the chambers and ovens are from a same brand for the ease of operation, control and maintenance and do not delay research. AAU have only found 1 company that produces equipment that fulfills those needs.

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