Editing responsibility for www.tiltak.no “Tiltakskatalog for transport og miljø” [Action Catalogue for Transport and Environment]


Award of a contract without prior publication of a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union
4/10/2018 9:21 AM (GMT+02:00)


Statens vegvesen Vegdirektoratet Statens vegvesen Vegdirektoratet
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Assignment text

Statens vegvesen Vegdirektoratet 971 032 081 Brynsengfaret 6A Oslo 0033 Bjor Grønnevet +47 93806057 bjor.gronnevet@vegvesen.no www.vegvesen.no Editing responsibility for www.tiltak.no “Tiltakskatalog for transport og miljø” [Action Catalogue for Transport and Environment] 18/27447 Procurement of editor responsibility for tiltak.no (TK). The editor has the professional primary responsibility to develop the internet site, find persons and professional environments that can contribute with action description and administrate quality assurance of the actions. 2000000.00 The procurement is editor responsibility for TK. The editor has the professional primary responsibility to develop the internet site, find persons and professional environments that can contribute with action description and administrate quality assurance of the actions. The editor responsibility and the editorial work comprises the following main assignments: — have an overview of relevant professional and political challenges related to the entire spectrum of transport and the environmental field, and have contact with professional environments that have knowledge in the field, — prepare professional basis for discussion in the editorial board, — implement work with minor revisions, — establish and operate a system for quality assurance of processing incoming texts and undertake final quality assurance, — administrative follow up, such as the organisation of meetings, technical reviews, economy, overview of contributors etc. The Institute of Transport Economics presumes to contribute up to 75 % of the framework from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration with funds from their basis funding. The contribution shall be used for the general editorial assignments. The Institute of Transport Economics wants to stimulate their researches to contribute with action descriptions based on the work in the Institute of Transport Economics’ strategic institute initiatives (SIS) and in major projects from NFR, EU etc. It is further assumed that the Norwegian Public Roads Administration will contribute with funds for new action descriptions or major revisions /rewrites from relevant agency research programmes and other major projects. This is done by direct notification to relevant professional environments or tender notices, depending on the scope of the work. To safeguard the objective of TK, the editors responsibility lies with a professional independent research environment with good competence in the many specialist areas in transport and environment and with a broad contacts to important professional environments both nationally and internationally. The Institute of Transport Economics is now the editor for TK and has primary responsibility for development and operation of the internet site, updating and quality assurance of the content. The Institute of Transport Economics is the only one in the market who can hold this editors responsibility. The Institute of Transport Economics owns the internet site, holds the copyright and contributes significantly with their own funds (directly and indirectly) to TK. They are also the only party in the market with sufficient professional weight and breadth in the field of transport and environment to have the editor responsibility. The Institute of Transport Economics has 84 skilled persons in ten disciplines and is a national centre for transport and communications research, responsible for driving and promoting research for the benefit of Norwegian society and industry. The Institute has professional competence in the research areas: 1— travel habits and mobility, 2— urban development and urban transport, 3— regional development and tourism, 4— market and control, 5— socio-economic analysis, 6— transport models, 7— industry transport needs, 8— logistics and innovation, 9— safety and behaviour, 10— safety and actions, 11— safety and organisation, and 12— environment, energy and technology. Editor, project manager and quality manager are in the management of the Institute of Transport Economics, and have a good overview of the professional production in these areas. Through 20 years of editorial responsibility for Miljøhåndboken and TK [the Environmental Manual and the Action Catalogue), the Institute of Transport Economics has demonstrated that the institute has the professional environmental, organisational and professional dissemination competence required to develop and drive such a reference /internet site. The Institute of Transport Economics has also demonstrated the ability to motivate and coordinate input from other professional environments. 18/27447 Editing responsibility for www.tiltak.no “Tiltakskatalog for transport og miljø” [Action Catalogue for Transport and Environment] 2018-03-28 Transportøkonomisk institutt 959056773 Gaustadalléen 21 Oslo 0349 2000000.00 Statens Vegvesen postboks 8142, dep Oslo 0033 postmottak@vegvesen.no 2018-04-09

See tender at TED: http://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:154174-2018:TEXT:EN:HTML

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