Sykehusinnkjøp HF 916879067 Postboks 40 Vadsø 9811 Bengt Kåre Strande +47 92231662 Prior information notice for forms for DIPS, Helse Nord RHF [the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority] 2018/445 Procurement of standard forms for DIPS Classic (Electronic Patient Journal). The forms are used to complete electronic forms directly in DIPS for the hospitals in Helse Nord [the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority] in place of paperwork and scanning. The solution shall be in accordance with the the public requirements and delivered as a site license. The customer is Helse Nord RHF [the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority]. 3000000.00 Bodø. The procurement will be made in accordance with FOA [PPR] part III. HN IKT HF has examined the market to find the number of service providers. DIPS AS confirmed in an email on 21.04.2017, that Sem and Stenersen Procom are the only service provider of forms for DIPS Classic. Use of other service providers requires that DIPS AS make changes in DIPS Classic. This is not desired by DIPS AS. Therefore, the procurement concerns a service that, of technical reasons, can only be delivered by a specific service provider. The procurement can be carried out without a competition cf. PPR § 13-1(5) jf. 13-4 b) no. 2. The negotiations with the tenderer started in Autumn 2017. Agreement period: 1.1.2018 — 31.12.2019. Thereafter, automatic annual renewal until termination or transfer to DIPS Arena. Year 1: 1 040 000 NOK. Year 2: 1 090 000 NOK. The annual price hereafter can reduce due to reduced use of forms. The legal procurement value is anticipated to be between 3 000 000 NOK — 4 000 000 NOK. Therefore, the procurement concerns a service that, of technical reasons, can only be delivered by a specific service provider. The procurement can be carried out without a competition cf. PPR § 13-1(5) cf. 13-4 b) no. 2. Helse Nord IKT HF [the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority\ has examined the market to find the number of service providers. DIPS AS confirmed in an email on 21.4.2017, that Sem and Stenersen Procom are the only service provider of forms for DIPS Classic. Use of other service providers requires that DIPS AS make changes in DIPS Classic. This is not desired by DIPS AS. Therefore, the procurement concerns a service that, of technical reasons, can only be delivered by a specific service provider. The procurement can be carried out without a competition cf. PPR § 13-1(5) cf. 13-4 b) no. 2. Therefore a prior intention notice is published to inform the market that the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority intends to enter into a contract. 2018/445 Forms to DIPS. 2018-03-22 SEM and Stenersen Prokom AS 953 675 358 Karl Johans gate 37B Oslo 0162 +47 22983100 3000000.00 Helse Nord IKT HF [the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority\ has examined the market to find the number of service providers. DIPS AS confirmed in an email on 21.04.2017, that Sem and Stenersen Procom are the only service provider of forms for DIPS Classic. Use of other service providers requires that DIPS AS make changes in DIPS Classic. This is not desired by DIPS AS. Therefore, the procurement concerns a service that, of technical reasons, can only be delivered by a specific service provider. The procurement can be carried out without a competition cf. PPR § 13-1(5) cf. 13-4 b) no. 2. Therefore a prior intention notice is published to inform the market that the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority intends to enter into a contract. Sykehusinnkjøp HF Postboks 40 Vadsø 9811 +47 92231662 Klagenemndssekretariatet (KOFA) Postboks 511 Sentrum Bergen 5805 +47 55193000 2018-03-29
See tender at TED: