Strategic communications services to Helse Sør-Øst RHF [the South Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority].


Open procedure
1/13/2018 9:15 AM (GMT+01:00)
2/15/2018 10:00 AM


Kate-Mari Hagen Kate-Mari Hagen
Postboks 40
9811 Vadsø

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Parallel framework agreements shall be signed with three tenderers of strategic communications services to the South Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority. The contribution shall consist of strategic consultancy services to the communications director, administrative director and the management group of the South Eastern Norway regional Health Authority, as well as the chair of the board. The Contracting Authority requests tender offers on a resource that shall be a consultant and discussion partner, implement media training, prepare communications strategies and develop a message platform and different presentations. A support team shall also be offered.

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