Grindbakken school, address Måltrostveien 106, 0786 Oslo, is a primary school situated above Bogstad in the Vestre Aker district. The school is a 1st-7th year school with three parallel classes in each year, with 61 employees. Grindbakken nursery rents approx. half of the basement in the main building. There are 54 children and 13 employees in the nursery.
The school shall, amongst other things, replace the ventilation installations in the gym building and in the main building, in accordance with the function description in this tender documentation. The main building was constructed in 1982 and the gym building was constructed in 1983. The main building has two floors and is made of wood, the same applies to the gym building. Particular consideration must be given to the fact that it is a school that is open during the construction period.
A decision has been made to carry out the project in accordance with an interaction model with early involvement of the central actors in the project development phase, where one seeks to achieve greater possibilities for value creation, optimalisation and savings. The interaction contractor is planned to be contracted in January 2015. The interaction period with an established measuring sum (the sum of the submitted tender and any additions/deductions that emerge in the interaction phase) shall be completed mid June 2015.
Section V: Award of contract
Contract No: 1
Lot No: 1 - Lot title: Interaction contract
V.1) Date of contract award decision:
V.2) Information about offers
Number of offers received: 3
V.3) Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
E-mail: Telephone: Lid ventilasjon AS977482933, Enebakkveien 304, 1188 Oslo, NORWAY, +47 22752090