Framework Agreement for Market Analysis Services


03 - Contract award notice
Open procedure
4/1/2020 9:54 AM (GMT+02:00)


Norsk Tipping AS Norsk Tipping AS
Marit Lier Marit Lier
Postboks 4414, Bedriftssenteret
2325 Hamar

Assignment text

Framework agreement for market analysis services including analysis of projects and for an evaluation of and learning from Norsk Tipping's commitments. The procurement is split into 4 delivery areas. One contract will be signed for each area: 1) branded goods and satisfaction measurements, 2) trend analyses and product/concept testing, 3) data enrichment and target group validation, and 4) customer panel. Tenders can be submitted for one or more of the contract areas.

Mercell Holding AS

Part of the Mercell Group, one of Europe’s leading providers of e tender systems and information between buyers and suppliers in the professional market.

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