Name |
Closing date |
Avløpssone Vesterelvnes Entreprise 2 – Sjøledning i sjø |
9/14/2021 1:00 PM |
10/8/2021 12:00 PM |
Lille Presteskjær fyr - Reparasjon/-Ny bølgebrytervegg av armert betong |
9/6/2021 12:00 PM |
Markedsundersøkelse - Analt manometer til Kvinneklinikken ved Helse Bergen HF |
21-01761 IKT kvalitetssikring |
9/3/2021 8:00 AM |
Underviser TBA 224 Vår 2022 |
9/10/2021 12:00 PM |
Blomster/planter |
9/10/2021 12:00 PM |
Gjennomføring av spørreundersøkelser |
9/15/2021 12:00 PM |
Elektrisk isprepareringsmaskin - Enkeltanskaffelse |
9/23/2021 12:00 PM |
Kjøp av spesialbil for persontransport |
9/15/2021 12:00 PM |
Rammeavtale maskinentreprenørtjenester |
9/3/2021 4:00 PM |
Innspill - Voss ungdomskule - Totalentreprise med samspel |
10/1/2021 12:00 PM |
Molde Eiendom KF - Lillekollen Barnehage - Totalentreprise |
9/24/2021 12:00 PM |
Application administrator PowerPlatform |
Microsoft Endpoint Manager and infrastructure |
Consultancy service, Platform operation Red Hat OpenShift |
190183 Cleaning services for Avinor at various locations in Norway |
9/21/2021 10:00 AM |
Contest for the procurement of user-controlled personal assistance (BPA). |
10/1/2021 12:00 PM |
Risk Management Andøya Space Orbital |
8/25/2021 12:00 PM |
Temporary cleaning staff |
Patient signalling system and patient alarm (welfare technology) |
20200074 Dynamic Purchasing System Recruitment of Managers |
Information and search system for processing applications for permissions to establish pipelines / elements, give excavation and work permits and co-ordination thereof in relation to municipal roads |
Banking and financial services |
Framework agreement inspection, service and repair/replacement of sprinkler and water mist systems |
Operations supplier to DFØs HR- og lønnssystem [the Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management's HR and payroll system] |
9/24/2021 12:00 PM |
Documents for a hearing - operational leasing and accompanying fleet administration services |
Procurement of the development, production, presonalisation, and distribution of driving licences and the personalisation and distribution of driver qualification cards |
9/21/2021 12:00 PM |
Office supplies and free school materials |
8/26/2021 12:00 PM |
Framework agreement for the procurement of building materials, workwear, tools, and protective equipment |
Framework agreement for the procurement of white goods and small electronic goods |
Hire of coffee machines and water coolers as well as the procurement of accompanying services, accessories, and ingredients |
Lorry (CNG) with crane |
Framework agreement, printed matter and promoting products |
Pulsed Laser Deposition system (PLD). |
9/27/2021 12:00 PM |
Framework agreement for IT infrastructure |
9/24/2021 4:00 PM |
Framework agreement for IT equipment - Bardu og Målselv kommune [Bardu and Målselv municipalities] |
9/20/2021 12:00 PM |
200045 - C01713 Generalentreprise oppgradering drivstoffanlegg Ørland Flystasjon |
9/15/2021 12:00 PM |
Konsulenttjenester Skisseprosjekt og konkurransegrunnlag - Skolekvartalet Øksnes kommune |
9/7/2021 12:00 PM |
P 05-21 Prekvalifisering: Flere i arbeid - Kristiansand kommune |
9/22/2021 9:00 AM |
Juridiske rådgivningstjenester |
9/24/2021 9:00 AM |