Name |
Closing date |
Brannlift |
5/3/2017 12:00 PM |
Rehabilitering av friidrettsbanen Narvik stadion |
4/26/2017 12:00 PM |
Norskopplæring for innvandrere |
4/26/2017 12:00 PM |
Medisinsk forbruksmateriell |
Renovasjonsbil |
4/28/2017 12:00 PM |
Rammeavtale juridiske tjenester |
4/18/2017 12:00 PM |
Rammeavtale VA- materiell Alta kommune |
Vintervedlikehold av kommunale veier 2017 - 2022 |
5/2/2017 1:00 PM |
Vintervedlikehold kommunale veger og plasser og setting av brøytestikker - Østre Toten kommune |
4/21/2017 12:00 PM |
Rekkverk Telemark 2017 |
3/30/2017 12:00 PM |
Håndtering av radiointerferens i frekvensbånd brukt til satellittnavigasjon |
Ombygging av Sama sykehjem |
4/26/2017 12:00 PM |
Rammeavtale for rådgjevingstenester Plan og prosjektering |
4/28/2017 12:00 PM |
Rammeavtale på elektrotjenester inkl.materiell |
5/3/2017 12:00 PM |
Evaluering av implementeringen av integreringsmottak og virkningene av tiltak for en tidlig og effektiv kvalifisering av beboere i mottak |
Jordbruksprodukter rammeavtale |
Forvaltning og forsyning av elektrisk energi |
Anskaffelse av trehjulssykler med lavt innsteg, hjelpemotor for tohjulssykler, støttehjul, tilbehør, reservedeler og tjenester. |
Rammeavtale på næringsmidler - flytende meierivarer |
Rammeavtale på næringsmidler - kolonial |
Båtrute i Rødøy |
5/15/2017 9:00 AM |
Personnel insurances for the Airport Express Train. |
The procurement of telephony services (land-line and mobile), as well as the procurement of mobile phones and additional equipment thereof. |
4/18/2017 12:00 PM |
Framework agreement legal services. |
4/18/2017 12:00 PM |
RFI-Service and IT Asset Management for Sporveien. |
Procurement of scanning services for the Norwegian State Education Fund. |
Procurement of framework agreement for health and social services for individual users. |
5/3/2017 12:00 PM |
IR-scanning asphalt works 2017. |
Emptying and registration of sand traps and auxiliary drains 2017-2020. |
3/31/2017 10:00 AM |
Bridge structures: the procurement of engineering design services, consultancy services and inspections. |
4/19/2017 12:00 PM |
Baltic Energy Technology Scenarios. |
3/27/2017 12:00 PM |
Transport of clean and dirty laundry between laundries and institutions in Karmøy municipality. |
3/27/2017 12:00 PM |
Cleaning ‘mathallen’. |
4/6/2017 12:00 PM |
Hire of health express and buses. |
Learning game(s); cancellation. |
An environmental monitoring programme, E18 Tvedestrand-Arendal. |
The Directorate of Public Construction and Property's internet solution based on Episerver: Operations and Maintenance Agreement. |
Evaluation of the implementation of integration reception centres and the effect of initiatives for early and efficient qualification of residents in the reception centres. |
Framework agreement for rental assessments and other valuation work. |
4/24/2017 12:00 PM |
Assistance to implementation of Quality assurance of a concept committee (henceforth also referred to as KS1) for a new theatre building for Rogaland Theatre. |
5/12/2017 12:00 PM |
Garage service Hjerkinn PRO. |
4/18/2017 12:00 PM |
School administrative system. |
5/3/2017 12:00 PM |
Transport of Waste containers Solør Renovasjon. |
4/24/2017 12:00 PM |
Painting and covering works. |
4/24/2017 2:00 PM |
Procurement of patient transport in Drammen and Lier municipalities. |
4/27/2017 12:00 PM |
Winter maintenance services; municipal roads and places, placing snow plough markers; Østre Toten municipality. |
4/21/2017 12:00 PM |
Winter maintenance services on municipal roads 2017 — 2022. |
5/2/2017 1:00 PM |
Cleaning services. |
4/19/2017 12:00 PM |
Framework agreement for electrical services including material. |
5/3/2017 12:00 PM |
MA3004/17E Framework agreement on logistics services for NRK. |
5/2/2017 12:00 PM |
160-BYM-2016 Framework agreement for the procurement of consultancy services for Rusken. |
4/27/2017 12:00 PM |
Tender documentation hearing; an E-training programme for medicinal management. |
BC2017 US KLM Dep. for microbiology Pipette robot and PCR-instrument (2 pcs). |
Furniture and fittings. |
3/23/2017 12:00 PM |
Consumables for patient care. |
Medical consumables. |
Management and supply of electricity. |
Agricultural products, framework agreement. |
Framework agreement for food articles — groceries. |
Framework agreement for foodstuffs — liquid dairy products. |
The procurement of tricycles with low step-through frames, auxiliary engines for bicycles, support wheels, accessories, spare parts and services. |
Refuse collection vehicle. |
4/28/2017 12:00 PM |
Video Server Software — Purchase, maintenance and support. |
5/16/2017 2:00 PM |
The purchase of a caterpillar soil drilling rig. |
4/21/2017 12:00 PM |
Fire lift. |
5/3/2017 12:00 PM |
UNN HF PET-centre: Tender 16.1 QC — Equipment — Prequalification. |
4/20/2017 12:00 PM |
UNN the A-wing MTU: Surgical equipment. |
4/20/2017 12:00 PM |
The procurement of MFV; Incontinence products, part 2. |
4/20/2017 11:00 AM |
Framework agreement; Wound drainage. |
4/25/2017 11:00 AM |
Framework agreement for IT equipment; clients and monitors. |
4/24/2017 12:00 PM |
Framework agreement; IT equipment for network. |
4/26/2017 12:00 PM |
K382 Effluent Decontamination System (EDS). |
5/2/2017 12:00 PM |
MA2961/16E — Beverages for the canteens. |
4/19/2017 12:00 PM |
Framework agreement; the purchase of Hygiene packages. |
4/27/2017 12:00 PM |
Figgjo primary and comprehensive school. |
5/2/2017 12:00 PM |