EØS 030-2018 [EEA 030-2018] Framework Agreement for Construction Management Services for Water and Sewage Installations.


16.03.2018 09:21 (GMT+01:00)
16.04.2018 12:00


Bergen Kommune Bergen Kommune
Elina Eikemo Elina Eikemo
Serviceboks 7880
5020 Bergen

Closing date has passed.

Short description

Bergen kommune c/o the Water and Sewage Authority carries out i.a. Planning and construction of new water and sewage installations in the municipality, and maintenance and upgrading of the existing installations. The authority is also responsible for control and follow up of the municipality’s waterway facilities /dam facilities.

Engineering design and implementation of the water and sewage installations is carried out primarily by external water and sewage consultants and external contractors. Follow up of the installations is carried out either by internal or external construction managers.

The framework agreement comprises the following construction management services:

— construction management services for traditional water and sewage installations (pipeline installations in traditional ditches, renewal and rehabilitation).

See also the tender documentation Annex 1 - the contracting authority’s specifications for further description of the service and requirements for this.

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